Juggling Skill Tree

Focused on three ball patterns / elements

A difficult three ball pattern utilizing only overthrows. Each hand performs alternating overthrows and catches.
Three ball pattern where one hand performs underthrows and the other hand performs overthrows.
Three ball pattern that begins with two underthrows and the third ball is overthrown. The pattern repeats and the same ball is always overthrown, giving an illusion that it is bouncing between the two hands - like a tennis ball going back and forth over the net.
Inverse of Underthrow, still thrown and caught palm up. The ball is lobbed from outside the shoulder and the catch occurs inside the shoulder.
A simple three ball pattern utilizing only underthrows. Each hand performs alternating underthrows and catches.
This is the most common throw - the ball is thrown and caught palm up. The throw starts on the inside the shoulder and the catch outside the shoulder.